So here we are again, talking about that time when you went past by some ladies and noticed yourself that even when they gave you the look, you did not get all hyped up down there. And now that scares you.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and see that no matter how much you work out or go through a strict diet, your pecks are not showing up instead your body seems unfazed by your month-long tough workout routine.
Not only that, but also instead of feeling full of vitality, vigor, and power, you seem dull, unmotivated to do anything, you see yourself slowly becoming sadder and depressed and have lost the enthusiasm to be a part of even your own friend circle?
If you are above 30, male, and seeing yourself with a lack of enthusiasm, shutting yourself inside your room all day long, then WAKE UP bro, you are most probably suffering from low testosterone levels!
Yes, it happens to all of us sooner or later, all of us men to be precise, and when your testosterone starts to deplete, your whole existence starts to collapse.
That is why we offer to help you with the best T-booster to help you regain your manhood, but which one to choose, you ask, there are so many littering up your nearest mall.
We are going to help you there as well by telling you the basics of T-boosters and based on those basics, how to select the best testosterone supplement for yourself.
What is The Great Loss?
If you are reading this then chances are that you are an adult male, who is suffering from some weird symptoms like sudden depression, gloom, and general unenthusiasm, lacking in your best physical shape, and also feeling that your usual sex drive is hitting lower and lower sea levels by passing time.
The great loss in a man is when he is no longer like he used to be when he was younger. When a man is in his teens and post teens phase, he is full of energy, hopes, and passion, he is ready for sexual fantasies and chances at the drop of a hat, and most of all he is physically built as a bull.
But nature and studies done by us humans have shown that as time passes and a man enters his 20s and 30s, the main reason behind his manhood, the chemical inside his body – testosterone starts to get less.
Yeah, that happens at the rate of 1% depletion per year usually after the age of 30 and when that starts to happen, you don’t outright see or feel it but gradually the man starts to get dull overall.
All his passion and vigor start to go downhill, there is not much of sexual drive left for him or his partner to enjoy, no more pet projects of building a car in your garage by yourself and certainly no more of those huge pecks that make the lookers all impressed by you.
That ladies and gents is a great loss! For a man of course because then there is no man left in that male husk of a body.
How does the great loss affect you in your daily life?
Imagine yourself, each day you wake up from your bed all excited to get ready quickly so that you could go out with your friends to the basketball yard where you and all your trash friends are going to stay all day long living off on just candies and the musk of their own sweat.
Imagine, the whole world is there, in the basketball yard, watching you and your every magic move you and your trashy best friend have developed in these past few days hoping to impress that school crush, hoping to make that school jock jealous of you.
All of those you want to show your flashy moves to are present and this is your day and you DID IT. You impressed the crush, you crushed the jock, your friends hold you up and –
NOPE, it is all just an imagination, your guy’s impressing days are long gone, now he just wakes up in pure despair, curses a lot at the world and at himself, and just somehow readies himself for his job that day, returns home and silently eats his meal then hits the bed.
No love left for his wife and kids, no fun outing for children and everything is a burden to bear, that is what happens with the great loss.
And now you must be asking…
…How to tackle the great loss?
When the great loss hits you, then there is no particular method that can help you really. No matter how much you are made to work out, follow diets, are presented with top quality adult media or injected with mood boosters, nothing works and mark our words, that is going to stay that gloomy forever unless…unless you hit the problem where it stems from!
What are Testosterone Boosters?
Yes, hitting the problem right in its root, a testosterone booster is just that an agent that helps in increasing the rates of testosterone secretion.
These products are made out of natural Testosterone boosting ingredients that help cope with this problem.
How do T-Boosters work?
When you lack testosterone inside you then the process of protein synthesis gets hit hard and that is why a man suffering from testosterone deficiency has hard times developing new and lean muscles.
When you are suffering from testosterone deficit you also get hit hard in your metabolism department and thus you lack in required energy levels that help you stay enthusiastic and passionate.
A testosterone booster naturally makes your body secrete more testosterone than usual, it helps regain the loss of years of testosterone deficit within a few weeks, resulting in your body being able to again be passionate and full of vigor and vitality.
It also helps in developing new muscles, getting adequate energy levels inside you and be mentally focused for any task ahead in a day.
Is it true, Do T-boosters actually work?
Look there are one in two ways one can go about it, the scientific way or the ‘the ingredients make sense it has to work’ way!
Scientifically speaking, there are no ways in which a testosterone supplement can actually work in the case of a lack of enough testosterone in the body. In fact, a study conducted in the National Library of Medicine (Epub 2013 Apr 16.), says that men aged 65 or older have no need for a t-booster even if they have low to normal T levels (Testosterone Levels).
In another study published on Jan 29, 2014, on the Increased Risk of Non-Fatal Myocardial Infarction Following Testosterone Therapy Prescription in Men, they also said, that using a T supplement can bring more harm than any good, precisely speaking in men aged younger than 65 the risk of heart problems can be detected when using any T supplement!
In fact, using T-supplements can also make you have – sleep apnea, acne flares, enlarged breasts, and even testicular shrinkage.
However, the ‘the ingredients make sense so it has to work’ way has its own group of large amounts of people that vouch every day that a T booster helped them to get the physique and life they always wanted.
So, now it is up to you what you want to do with this information, our advice would be to just get one bottle of these T supplements and see if they are working out with your workouts or not, for a month or two, and if they seem like they are not working, by all means then, do what you want to do.
Any Side Effects –
The rule of the thumb is with these kinds of products, is to always go for those ones that identify all of their ingredients on their website and also display the amount in which they have made the product out of. If they have used Vitamin X then they must also tell how much of Vitamin X is in their final product.
Remember again, 100% Natural Ingredients and Amount Of Ingredients Pointed Out is the box you want to pick up in the aisle.
What are the safest T supplement ingredients backed up by science?
There are many ingredients used inside T booster and we are going to talk about those in depth later in the article, but we cannot stress enough on the point that whatever may be the ingredients inside a T supplement it has got to be A Natural Ingredient!
If whatever ingredient used by the manufacturer does not come from a natural substance then do not buy that product! Especially in the cases of testosterone supplements!
Let’s Find Out – The Safest And Best T Booster In The Market –
In this article we have three of the best-selling testosterone boosting agents in the market that we are going to dissect and see if they are worth the trouble of buying, the three best selling T boosters are –
- TestoGen,
- PrimeMale and
- TestoFuel.

What is TestoGen?

TestoGen is a 100% naturally made testosterone supplement that is bound to give you more muscle mass, strength, and vitality. It also helps in your flagging libido and accentuates your in-bed performance!
TestoGen has a unique combo of 11 proven and tested ingredients like Zinc, D-aspartic Acid, and many others that offer a safe to use and clinically tested T supplement which is bound to provide you with power and passion never felt inside you before.
You are very well assured of seeing positive results in the uplifting of your mood, energy levels, and vitality within as little as a week, and with all those muscles you have been failing to gain at, you will see your muscle mass get fuller and stronger within a month.
How does it work?
As you will use this product you will begin to see that you are developing more muscle since now you have more energy and aid to protein synthesis inside your body that will give you stronger lean muscles when you work out harder and more regularly and for longer periods than ever before.
You will get your edge back when you are there in a day at the office competing with others for a better life, you will get the surging energy levels and an uplifting mood to focus primarily on your goals and you will not hide away from the competition instead you will go for it and win!
And best of all, you will get your mojo back in the sex game, as you will be no more the guy making excuses of ‘headaches’ or ‘not feeling it tonight’ but instead you will take control and have your peak performance on the bed every day!
There is also this free testosterone boosting ebook that comes with this product that will guide you with natural foods that act in themselves as T boosters. It will also guide you with strength training exercises and many alternative testosterone boosting secrets to give you the maximum results in your candidacy for a better man and not to suffer from the great loss.
TestoGen in Body Building –
Low testosterone levels mean low protein synthesis inside your body and when protein is not getting processed for new muscles like it used to before then no matter how much you work on your muscles you will get scarce assuring results.
With this product you are revitalizing the protein synthesis inside your body and that in turn brings you good health and more wider and powerful muscles.
TestoGen in Sex Drive –
Everybody and their partners know that testosterone is the key factor in a man’s sexual drive, but when you are suffering from low testosterone levels then it also attacks your libido and your performance in bed.
With the help of this product, you will get the sexual drive like never before and your performance in bed will get to peak with a non-stop stamina helping you out when you satisfy your partner.
TestoGen in Cognitive Processes –
With low amounts of testosterone, you gradually start to lose focus and concentration and that, in turn, makes you act like a puppet bound with wires that is awkward and careless and makes many sloppy actions.
With the help of this product, you will be, far more focused and set on your immediate daily goals.
Benefits –
- You will get more energy to spend on your workouts
- You will develop fully fleshed out lean muscles
- You will start to lose the belly and whole-body fat
- With the release of a new energy inside you will no longer lack in tiredness and fatigue
- You will be cheerful and shall not be depressed
- You will get your edge back and won’t hesitate with your daily chores and competition in your job
- The flagging libido of yours shall also be taken care of and you will become a peak performer in bed
- All this boosting and increasing in energy shall happen inside you in a 100% natural and safe way.
Side Effects –
There are no side effects of using this product since it is made out of 100% natural ingredients found in nature that naturally make your body secrete testosterone.
Safety levels –
You can easily and safely buy this product from the product’s site with no hidden or monthly charges and also this product is made in an FDA approved facility where extreme care is given to the process of manufacturing
Recommended Dosage –
You are supposed to take 4 capsules of this product each morning.
Shipping –
The manufacturers of this product ship to almost anywhere in this world, to see where they do not ship stop at the TestoGen Official Website.
Return Policy –
You can return unopened and unused boxes of this product within 100 days. To learn more about their refund policy, do stop at Testogen Official.
Price –
- One month of supply of Testogen Pills comes at $59.99.
- Whereas, one month Supply of Testogen Pill and 1 Testo-Drop is priced at $89.99.
To Spike-Up your Testosterone Naturally with 100% Natural Ingredients, Click Here to Visit Testogen Official Website and Book your Testosterone Boosting Combo Pack Asap!
What is Prime Male?

PrimeMale is another one of the bestselling T boosters in the market that is made out of the choicest of 12 critical nutrients that promise a peak in your low testosterone levels.
It is supposed to give you more energy and more strength, it is also supposed to help you in losing weight.
How does it work?
Remember that TV show called the A-Team? Well, the website of this product says that the 12 selected nutrients that they use in this product are like those A-Team members! They go inside your bloodstream and give you the high amount of Testosterone you used to have 10, 20 or maybe even 30 years ago when you were a teenager!
This product makes your body to release more luteinizing hormones that help in secreting more testosterone, this product also helps in binding, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) with magnesium and nettle root, in turn making you have more radical testosterone for your sex drive.
This product also helps in controlling and regulating the estrogen and prolactin hormones, that if unchecked, bring down the level of Testosterone.
Prime Male for Men in their 40 – 45+ –
It is proven by science that once a man reaches the age of 30, he starts to lose the secretion of testosterone levels each year by 1%, so when you reach the age group of 40-50 you have lost 10%-20% of your precious Testosterone levels!
When you take this product, you start to regain the lost testosterone levels back not in months, but in weeks! Resulting in a new you, rejuvenated and in your prime again!
Prime Male for the importance of Sex Drive –
As you lose your T levels through aging, you also lose your mojo, your sexual drive to be the peak performer in the bed as well. Slowly but surely, you are not up to even for the idea of sex, you start making excuses and just go to sleep directly at night.
Not anymore, with the help of this product, you go back to the prime game of your sexual drive, as you quickly regain your T levels, you also gain your need to be the prime player in the bed as well.
Benefits –
Once you start taking this product you will quickly start to feel these changes inside yourself –
- You will have more energy than you used to have
- You will have more strength than ever before and you will develop lean muscle
- You will get stronger bones and also lose your body fat
- Your mood shall get uplifted and your waning libido will rise to its glory again
- Your high blood pressure will get under control and your blood sugar levels too will be in check
- Your skin will become tighter and healthier
- You will get optimum prostate health
- Not only just them, but you will also get enhanced cognitive functions too.
Side Effects –
It says on their website that this product contains no synthetic ingredients and that is why it is 100% ok to consume without any side effects so long as you keep to the recommended dosage.
Safety Levels –
It is very safe to buy the product from its website, they do not charge you extra and apart from this fact, their product is made in an FDA approved facility with the highest order of safety regulation in mind that offer the best and safest quality products.
Recommended Dosage –
One bottle of this product has 120 x 750mg capsules and you are supposed to take 1 capsule 4 times a day with a meal or a snack!
Shipping –
They ship their products worldwide, to check out where they do not ship do stop by their Official Website.
Return Policy –
You can return any unopened box to the manufacturer by calling the customer support within 7 days of receiving your package.
Price –
- 1 box of this product comes at $69.00.
So, if you are a male above 40 and 45 and have been in search for a T-Booster, then Click Here to stop at PrimeMale Official to Grab this Boon!
What is TestoFuel?

It is said on this product’s website that it is considered to be a revolutionary T booster that is exhaustively researched in bringing together its ingredients. It says that the T Levels are the ‘missing link’ to you and your body’s growth and no amount of workout, nutrition, and other supplements are going to help you build muscles without the aid of this product.
How it works –
It’s like when you go to the gym and focus on only compound exercises, those that work on more than one muscle and joint at a time, that is what this product is like, it is a ‘compound solution’ to all your later age problems, remember the great loss? That is what they are talking about.
It works by increasing the rate of protein synthesis inside your body so your body starts to make fat-free muscle mass, not only that this product also reduces cortisol, which is a catabolic hormone which means it breaks down muscles.
TestoFuel in Body Building –
As we have just said before, taking this product aids in protein synthesis which helps in making new muscles for you. This product also does not allow cortisol to take over, which is a muscle breaking hormone.
Also, when you work out hard, there arise small tears in your muscle fibers, when you relax your body fixes those tears by rebuilding with few more muscle fibers than there normally were, in this process, you make more muscles.
This whole rebuilding process happens thanks to testosterone, so naturally, if you have low T levels you are not going to make more muscles easily.
This product takes very good care of those three processes, with that, you are bound to make new muscle growth in your body in a fast-paced time.
Benefits –
- Develop real muscle with safely and quickly raised T levels
- You will get more strength as you work out more than before
- You will also see a difference in your body fat as it tones down faster than ever before
- You will always stay motivated and ready to take down any chore or competition the day throws at you
- You will be showered with a high amount of self-esteem when you will get all the other results
Side Effects –
If you do not exceed the recommended dosage then you will have no problem.
Safety Levels –
It is very safe to order a product from this product’s website as they charge no extra pennies or hidden payments.
Recommended Dosage –
It does not say on its website the amount of dosage, it only says 4 capsules a day and no other instructions, so maybe check out the bottle for more on the dosage recommendation.
Shipping –
They ship worldwide, to see where they do not ship halt at the Official Website.
Return Policy –
You will have to contact their Customer Support; they do not tell what is their return window is!
Price –
- 1 box of this product comes at $65.00
To if you wish to boost your T Levels just for muscle building purposes, then Click Here to visit TestoFuel Official Website, and Book your Order Risk-Free!
Common Ingredients
D-Aspartic Acid –
This is an amino acid regulator which secretes more hormone, especially luteinizing hormones that test show increase your T levels by 45% in weeks.
Magnesium –
One study shows that taking adequate magnesium daily for four weeks increases T levels by 26% and not just that magnesium also helps in making you have a wonderful comfy sleep.
Vitamin D3 –
Having enough Vitamin D3 inside you is a good container for sufficient T levels.
Nettle Leaf Extract 4:1 –
It binds with the SHBG inside your body making your testosterone free to roam inside your bloodstream and work on manly things like building muscles.
Korean Red Ginseng Extract 4:1 –
It is a stimulating agent for your libido, it also helps in protecting testes from damages by dioxins and helps you get stronger erections.
Fenugreek Extract 4:1 –
It increases your strength, vitality, and stamina. It also helps in secreting more testosterone for your libido.
Vitamin B6 –
Very much needed for over 100s of processes inside your body, also in the aid of boosting T levels.
Zinc –
Is a well known aphrodisiac and T booster. It also keeps your sperms healthy.
Boron –
A study says that taking 10mg of boron per week helps increase T levels by 28%.
BioPerine –
Is taken from black pepper and makes all the ingredients of a product get better absorbed by your body.
Vitamin K2 –
Found in red meat and egg yolks, K2 compliments D3 and helps release more testosterone.
Unique Ingredients in TestoGen
Vitamin K1 –
It keeps your bones strong and healthy but also, it makes your body absorb vitamin D more easily and better.

Unique ingredients in PrimeMale –
Luteolin –
It is a powerful aromatase inhibitor, meaning it binds with estrogen, reducing its production. It also makes androgens make more testosterone.
Ashwagandha Extract 4:1 –
It reduces anxiety and stress; it lowers blood sugar levels and could also increase T levels.

Unique Ingredients in TestoFuel –
Oyster Extract –
Well known aphrodisiac and libido boosters. They also include a lot of zinc, it also inhibits estrogen.

Comparison Table –
TestoGen | PrimeMale | TestoFuel | |
How It works | More protein synthesis, more T-boosting agents, inhibiting SHBG, luteinizing hormones, reduces estrogen | Inhibits SHBG, reduces estrogen and prolactin, and secretes luteinizing hormones | More protein synthesis reduces cortisol |
Ingredients | Clear ingredients with the amount of dosage shown | Ingredients mentioned | Ingredients mentioned |
Side Effects | None | None | None |
Money Back Guarantee | 100 Days | None | None |
Recommended Dosage | 4 capsules every morning | 1 capsule 4 times a day with a snack | 4 capsules a day |
Price (per bottle) | $59.99 | $69 | $65 |
Where to Buy in Australia? | Tap to Visit Testogen Official Website. | Tap to Visit PrimeMale Official Website. | Tap to Visit TestoFuel Official Website. |
Final Verdict –
Seeing that the most important aspect of products like these is their display and clarity of ingredients and the amount of ingredients used in the final product, we have a clear winner, it is TestoGen.
TestoGen offers clarity in its ingredients display, completely and not just that, it also gives 100 days money-back guarantee which is one of the biggest return windows of them all, it shows confidence in their product. The other two do not come even close to that return window in that department.
The other two, PrimeMale and TestoFuel, also do not clearly show what is the right amount of ingredients used in the final product. They are also pretty costly compared to TestoGen plus they are also not clear with their recommended dosage, so that is one big red flag.
And also, TestoGen also offers a combo of pills + spray on their website that helps you make the most of your money to gain most of the result in your goals.
Conclusion –
So, guys, remember to not lose hope, keep working on your workouts, and maintain a healthy living, consult a doctor and also give a chance to TestoGen to redeem the manhood you once had. To Get your Bottle of Testogen T-Boosting Pills and Spray, Click Here to Order from the Australian Official Website.